recruiting company from India

Steps for choosing the right recruiting company from India

Recruiting Company from India

Steps for choosing the right recruiting company from India

Knowing how to choose the correct overseas manpower recruitment agency is important for employers and job seekers alike. Making a sound judgment will ensure that you get an employee who is highly productive and well organized in delivering their tasks. It can also significantly bring down your hiring cycle, save a notable amount of time, money and other resources.

As we know, India is a labour intense country.  In today’s highly competitive market, candidate-driven job market, searching and hiring the ideal job candidate is quite hard. This is why many companies globally look for international recruitment agency to help them hire the right candidate for their required job openings.

So how do you choose which recruiting company from India should represent your company or your job search? Get it wrong and you will assuredly regret it. Get it right and you will save time and money as a client and you will have more options for job opportunities as a candidate.

If you are keen to hire foreign workers, keep in mind these simple steps to choose the right recruiting company from India for your organization.

  1. Do your research:

Check the company’s website and see if it shows their team, does the team constantly change or are they are long serving employees? At times recruiting companies have such high turnover of staff that clients never get to talk to the same consultant twice. Thus, making it impossible to build any sort of relationship.  At Oman Agencies you will not come across this as we have a very stable and the longest serving team member being with us for almost 20 years! New staff definitely comes on board but that’s due the company’s growth and once they join, they rarely leave.

  1. Define your hiring needs:

 After choosing the right recruiting company from India. The next step is to clearly define your hiring needs. Do you need help hiring many, a few or just one employee? What kind of a position are you looking to fill? Permanent or temporary? Fresher or Experienced? Do you need an employee with niche skills or a jack of all trades? Defining your hiring needs and specifying all the details about the position(s) you are looking to fill is a necessary prerequisite to hire from India, Bangladesh, Nepal & Asia.

  1. Reputation Matters:

Like any business, how reputed the recruiting company from India is, is extremely essential. It’s easy for an agency to boast about its hiring skills, but what its previous clients have to say may be an entirely different picture. The best way to ensure that you’re receiving top quality service when it comes to recruitment is to look at the firm’s client base. So here’s an answer to solve all our doubts, to know more about our Existing Clients.

  1. Customer Service:

As a client of a recruiting company from India, the quality of customer service that you receive should be high. You shouldn’t feel abandoned or confused during any part of the hiring process, and the communications stream should always be open. If you’re having difficulties reaching someone at the agency even during the consultation stage take it as a sign to look in a different direction for your staffing needs.

  1. Know your budget:

Review the rates with the staffing agency you are considering working with, and ask for their Terms of Business and then drill down a rate that works for you long term. Placement companies need to earn money but there is always room for negotiation and by having this discussion before you start handing over job mandates, means you will both know where you stand making a cordial business relationship from the beginning.

  1. Follow the recruitment agency’s social media activity:

Find an agency that is updated with the latest developments in the job market, as well as having a reputation for success. As social media is the preferred medium of communication for many people, good recruitment agencies tend to post regular updates on their social channels to stay in touch with their network and keep them up-to-date.

  1. Meet your agency face to face:

Building a relationship is essential for both clients and candidates, it is vital that the relationship is a two way one where expectations can be discussed openly and honestly. We currently carry out our client visits over Zoom and meet our candidates in the same way. We certainly don’t feel we have gained less by working in this way.

  1. The Candidate Pool:

Recruitment should come without compromise, shouldn’t it? It’s why our teams recruit candidates for jobs in various professions across the country. With our positive and passionate approach to our business: Oman Agencies, you can be sure we’ll meet your requirements.

We’ve been connecting companies to the right candidates for over 50 years; our database is overflowing with qualified people. Our extensive knowledge of the local labour market ensures you can trust us to find the best people for your jobs – quickly.

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